2025 Main Gallery Shows

Open Call Exhibits

Important Update!!!

We have changed how we do artist calls. We are now announcing calls earlier and keeping them open later. We are asking for submissions of completed work.

This new system is a simple one step application process that will streamline artist-gallery communications. If you need assistance, please contact the gallery at info@confluencegallery.org or at 509-997-2787 and we will set up an appointment to help you with your submission. We are also happy to help over the phone or email.


We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Recreation” at the Confluence. The show will run June 2 - July 12. The Call is open February 19-April 2.

Recreating in the outdoors often takes us to unforgettable places and leaves us with long-lasting impressions. Being outside is so engaging and transformative that people have invented numerous ways to access it. Activities like hiking, biking, climbing or skiing are experiences that are life-giving to many. It is no surprise that these inspiring experiences are also the activities of some artists due to the exposure to the wonders and beauty of the natural world. Artists are also attuned to the rewards that come from pushing past creative boundaries, which is not unlike the physical boundaries that are often needed to be pushed when playing outside. Both involve patience, stamina and skill. This show celebrates artists who vocalize their passion for playing in the outdoors within their art and reveal to us the meaningfulness when the two are fused.

Curated by: Bethany Wray and Margaret Kingston

Weightless Wonder

We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Weightless Wonder” at The Confluence. The show will run July 15 - August 16. The Call is open April 3 - May 15.

The Confluence: Art in Twisp, WA invites artists to submit their most imaginative and ethereal abstract airy sculptures for an upcoming exhibition. We are seeking 3D works that explore lightness, translucency and the delicate interplay between space and form.  

The theme for this exhibition is “Weightless Wonder”. Sculptures for consideration should evoke a sense of airiness utilizing materials and forms that appear to float, drift or soar. Compositions should challenge the boundaries of physical presence. We encourage innovative use of materials aiming for pieces that seem to hover, flow or dissolve into their surroundings. Consideration will also be given to wall mounted sculptures or reliefs that meet the essence of the exhibit’s theme. 

Curated by: Ed McCarthy

Reconstructed Landscapes

We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Reconstructed Landscapes” at The Confluence. The show will run August 18 - October 4. The Call is open May 6 - June 17.

Landscapes orient us by presenting a particular vision of the world. In the traditional sense, they represent a view in nature but often what is considered “of nature” is in fact man-made; a yard, a park, a lawn. A re-constructed landscape considers the natural and the un-natural, the representative and the abstracted. It can be an open skyline, cityscape, or even a skyscape. Where does nature end and human influence meet and where do they diverge? Bring us your vision of what makes a landscape: the past/present/future-scapes. Show the diverse environments, colors, textures, and surfaces that provide the inspiration to build your vision.

Curated by: Robin Dogget

Rhapsody in Hue

We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Rhapsody in Hue” at The Confluence. The show will run October 7 - November 15. The Call is open June 26 - August 7.

Music moves us – physically and emotionally. It generates mood, ideas and energy. Music creates a deep sensory form of memory that we hold on to beyond the challenges of aging and dementia. Music heals. What else does music do? It often informs our art. In this exhibit I invite artists that understand this connection to introduce the inspiration their work has to music. What do you listen to when you create? How does music inform what you make? As we celebrate the 101st birthday of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, let us also celebrate the power of music across creative disciplines and admire how brush, chisel and pencil often dance in response to it’s call

Curated by: Janet Fagan

Backyard Wilderness:

A Coyote in the Parking Lot

We invite you to contribute to our exhibit “Backyard Wilderness: A Coyote in the Parking Lot” at The Confluence. The show will run November 18 - January 10, 2026. The Call is open August 7 - September 18.

A coyote in the parking lot, a mouse in the house, a hummingbird at the feeder, a bear on the trail. The title of this exhibit comes from experiences we all have had encountering wild animals in places commonly used by humans. 

When we overlap so closely with our wild neighbors what is the outcome? Whose land is this really? How can art give us new ideas and ways of seeing those connections? Jennifer Molesworth and Janet Fagan are teaming up to curate an exhibit that we hope will shine a light on how we can all share the land, sky and water in ways that benefit all.

Artists often lead the way for new ways of understanding, seeing and being. How can your art tell the story of what our wild brothers and sisters experience?  How does this lead us to where we can co-exist harmoniously with each other? Curators Janet Fagan and Jennifer Molesworth invite you to explore your connection to your wild neighbors. Who do you share the land, water and sky with? Whether in your back yard or deep in the wild, who do you see and how can your art tell the story of what you have experienced or would like to experience? 

You are invited to create up to 4 pieces of work in any medium, 2 D or 3 D.  This is a holiday show and work will be sold off the wall in time for seasonal gift giving.  Some work will be reserved in the back to replace work that sells.  

Ahoooooowl - Whoo Whoo - ribbit ribbit - eek!

Curated by: Jennifer Molesworth and Janet Fagan